Neda Shapourian and Kimberly Simms of The Law Office of Kimberly R. Simms presented on a panel entitled "Green Leases: Regulatory and Contract Considerations for Commercial Cannabis" for the Cannabis, Alcohol and Regulated Industries Section of the Barristers Club of the Bar Association of San Francisco. They provided a brief overview of the 2019 Cannabis climate, identified specific CA Cannabis regulations affecting commercial leases, and provided practical advice for drafting Cannabis commercial leases from both Landlord and Tenant perspectives.
Lindsey S. Mignano presented at the Solo and Small Firm Annual Conference at the Bar Association of San Francisco on a panel entitled "The Art of Juggling -- Strategies for Practicing Law and Wellness Topics," alongside co-panelists Ritu Goswamy of Holistic Legal Services, Rose Ellen Fairgrieve of Fairgrieve Law, and Adam Kaplan of Intel. The panel covered tips for handling the stressors of practicing law and running a law firm while taking care of yourself; ideas for health, happiness, and the importance of self-care in ensuring a successful future; stress management and ways to improve efficiency and productivity; and wellness tips for busy lawyers.
Lindsey S. Mignano, Sophie Alcorn of Alcorn Immigration Law, Danielle Delancey of Wilmot Ventures, and Caroline Federal of Fidelity Corporate Business Development discussed startup law topics such as business formation, immigration, and key tips for raising a significant seed ($1-3M) or Series A ($5-15M) round in the States at SwissNex SF for their recent cohort.
August 2024
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